Our Vision
Transform lives. Embrace Change. Achieve Success.
Our Mission
Transforming lives through education, inspiration, encouragement and motivation one employee, manager and leadership professional at a time.
Successful Projects and Satisfied Clients

Is it time for a change?

Change requires management.

Our Vision Transform lives. Embrace Change. Achieve Success.  


Our Mission Transforming lives through education, inspiration, encouragement and motivation one employee, manager and leadership professional at a time.  


cCMS utilizes an A3 Approach—tailored Assessments to collect the information needed to make change;

Years of Experience

Communications and Change Management Solutions, LLC (CCMS), can help! The ability to manage change–while continuing to meet the needs of stakeholders and manage the organization’s daily demands–is a very important skill required by today’s leaders and managers.  Led by President and CEO, Dr. Adrienne Y. Semidey, CCMS is a management consulting firm specializing in strategy and organizational development focused solutions on People, their Performance, and organizational ProductivityCCMS utilizes an A3 Approach—tailored Assessments to collect the information needed to make change; Advisement to specify and communicate decisions regarding organizational change, and Achievement of the goals set during the assessment, using well-developed communication strategies throughout the organization.

We Will Help You
Every Step Of The Way


DUNS #:  079533289 ~ NAICS Codes: 541611, 541612, 541618, 611430

© 2020, Communications and Change Management Solutions, LLC 

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Communications and Change Management Solutions